Personal Injury Lawyer
Nashville and Middle Tennessee


Nashville Pedestrian Safety in Focus After Series of Recent Accidents

Pedestrians in Nashville face increasing risks due to a combination of heavy traffic, inadequate pedestrian infrastructure, and frequent driver distractions. The city's growing population and expanding urban development have led to more congested roads, where crosswalks and sidewalks are often lacking or poorly designed, which has a major impact on pedestrian safety. Contact Us Δ...

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Nashville's Midtown to See New Pedestrian and Bicycle Projects

Many of Nashville's traffic accidents occur around the city's downtown and Midtown areas. These traffic accidents are often the result of speeding, distracted driving, impaired driving, and failure to yield. Pedestrians and bicyclists are particularly at risk in Nashville's Midtown. Unlike vehicle drivers, they don't have the protection of airbags, seatbelts, and vehicle frames. This...

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High Speeds and Road Design Linked to Nashville's Traffic Deaths

According to Metro Police data, traffic stops in Nashville decreased by a staggering 91% from 2015 to 2023. This sharp decline raises questions about the city's approach to traffic enforcement and its potential impact on road safety. Despite small improvements in recent years, traffic deaths from car accidents increased by 15% from 2019 to 2022....

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Tennessee Roads Among Deadliest in the Nation

Traffic fatalities across the U.S. have increased since the COVID-19 pandemic. While preliminary data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows a slight decrease in 2023, the problem remains high, especially in some states. Contact Us Δ A new study by The Zebra shows that Tennessee roads are among the deadliest in the...

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Summer Brings Spike in Teen Driver Fatalities

As the summer season kicks off, Tennessee enters a critical period known as the "100 Deadliest Days of Summer." This term, used by traffic safety experts and law enforcement, refers to the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day when roadway accidents and driver fatalities surge, particularly among teenage drivers. Contact Us Δ What factors...

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Tennessee Reminds Motorists to Share the Road With Motorcyclists

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, a nationwide initiative that sheds light on the importance of motorcycle safety and the need for motorists to share the road with motorcyclists responsibly. Why is this important? Because motorcyclist safety is often disregarded on Tennessee's roads. Contact Us Δ Bikers are at risk of severe injury in a...

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What is the Tennessee Hands-Free Law?

Distracted driving is a significant threat to road users The rise of smartphones and other portable electronic devices has had an unfortunate unintended consequence: a significant uptick in car accidents caused by distracted driving. When motorists don’t give their full attention to the road, the consequences can be deadly. Distracted drivers can rear-end other vehicles,...

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Nashville Takes Action to Address Cyclist and Pedestrian Fatalities

Crashes involving pedestrians and cyclists often result in severe and fatal injuries. In 2023, Nashville's streets saw 40 cyclist and pedestrian fatalities. Despite a brief decline in pedestrian fatalities in 2021, the numbers alarmingly rose again in 2022, with 47 deaths. City officials are committed to reversing this trend, improving infrastructure and education, and combating...

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Make a Resolution to Drive Safer in 2024

Nashville car accident lawyer offers safe driving tips from AAA With the start of the new year, people often make resolutions to make certain changes in their lives. According to AAA, one of the changes people should make in 2024 is to drive safer in an effort to prevent car accidents. “Bad driving habits may...

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